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Yoga for Everyone, Everyday

Yoga for Everyone, Everyday - Sporto

15000 decades old, yoga the celebrated form of workout is practiced the world over. The resolution passed in United Nations General Assembly to make 21st June, International Yoga Day, was the first ever resolution passed unanimously by all 170 countries. This gift of India to the world is nothing but pure magic, which every human being can experience with some practice over a course of time. 

Yoga is for everyone, every day. If you thought yoga is for women, then think again. It benefits everyone, mentally and physically, such is the holistic advantage of practicing yoga. Whether you are an athlete, sportsman, gym freak, just add the practice of yoga and feel the difference in your performance in other sports, as well. It nourishes your muscles and joints enabling you to play that other sport with ease. A complete body workout it nurtures you and your body completely and makes you perform at your best by relaxing your nervous system.

Yoga is the way through which you can connect with your inner self. Have you ever counted or deeply felt inhaling and exhaling? Well, with yoga you can literally count each breathe, feel what it is to be truly yourself. This deep breathing, makes you balanced, at ease with yourself and deal better with stress. The complete awareness that yoga helps create about your present self is simply magical. It connects you with your present self mystically.

Injured or want to prevent an injury, yoga works well both ways. There are yoga poses designed to take care of your spine, muscles and back. So, whether you have that disc issue or injured some ligament, while running, please go ahead with your yoga class, as it will only heal you. It is the healing properties of yoga, which has made it the best form of workout the world over, since times immemorial. Yoga takes care of your knee injuries caused by intense running and shoulder and neck stiffness issues which strike you each day, due to your desk job. Such and more health issues can be solved easily with regular practice of yoga.

Moreover, when it comes to yoga it is not about challenging yourself or others around. It is all about feeling calm and composed. There are no competitors, no ego issues involved. Whether you practice it alone or in a group, yoga is an individual practice. If your partner stretched more than you, don’t compare as yoga is doing things at your own ease. Stretch, inhale and exhale as you like and as much as you can do. There are no strings attached. Just feel the stretch and deep breathing and feel relaxed at the end of it. There are different poses for different body parts and you need to feel stress-free in that body part after performing that pose or asana.

So, to gain the strength, flexibility and balance you need to practice your yoga poses each day. But if you keep thinking of starting it from tomorrow, so that you can continue uninterrupted, then just think again. It is better to do it at least one day, instead of postponing it endlessly. There is no right time to start, just when you decide simply get going. It’s many benefits will ensure that you don’t access the pause button. And there is no better date, than tomorrow to start your practice of yoga. There are billions of yoga practitioners the world over and the International Yoga Day can be just ideal for you to get started too and join the billion-member yoga club.

Embrace yoga for a healthy living. Get yourself some comfortable yoga tracks and tees and enjoy each stretch, each pose. You can buy track pants for yoga and round neck t shirt online from There is a complete range of yoga wear at and you can choose the best for yourself from the comfort of your home.